Here’s to you, mama!



Even though Mother’s Day has come and gone, we’ve still got mama’s on the brain!  No matter what form of celebration you had, or whether you honored your mother, another mother, a mother pal or celebrated being a mother yourself, we hope it was a day filled with love and gratitude because moms make our world go round!  It certainly can be a very thankless job, and often times the hardest, but it also is the most magical experience there is.


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“Mother” is a very important word in our company because if it weren’t for In Motion’s mama Flanagan, our company wouldn’t exist! Lynn Flanagan, founder of In Motion and mother of 4, was a trailblazer in the race management industry, paving the way for the explosion of road races to come and breaking stereotypes in a male dominated landscape (in fact she’s so impressive she has her own book – check it out here!).  She is a leader, a role model and our hero on the daily and has inspired, supported and encouraged thousands of runners over the years. We couldn’t be more thankful or more proud to call her Mom.


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Our other favorite mothers are all of you running mamas out there!  Not only do you manage the needs, wants, hopes and dreams of your babe(s), the well-being of your household and handle this little thing we call LIFE, you also somehow find a way to include fitness in the mix!  It’s not easy, be it an issue of time, energy, opportunity, child care or “mom guilt”, but it’s important to your mental health and ultimately creates the best version of yourself, which is one of the best things you can give to your child!


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Plus, you are a role model for living a healthy lifestyle and accomplishing your goals.  You’re doing it all, you’re doing your best and trust us; YOU’RE DOING GREAT. We see you mama, and we lift our glass to you – cheers and bravo! We’re proud to know ‘ya.


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Having a hard time figuring out how to incorporate fitness into your mama lifestyle?  

Don’t feel discouraged! It’s not easy. If you are a new mama, trust that this time period is only temporary and as baby grows, so will your independence. If childcare is an issue, there are many fantastic mom fitness groups where you can work out with baby. Or if you have a jogging stroller you can plan your own routine and get a run or walk in with your babe! 


More great tips from other running mamas:

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Another mama fitness idea:  race with your kid(s)!

Plan to do the 2020 Kids Marathon Mile at LEGOLAND on Saturday, January 18.  Registration opens June 1!


The Tri-City Medical Center Carlsbad Marathon, Half Marathon & Surf Sun Run 5K are all stroller friendly* if you feel up to the task!


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*Must finish within race time limits


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