SD Half Marathon and 5K Waiver

In consideration of your accepting this entry, I, the undersigned intending to be legally bound, hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I may have against In Motion Inc., Million Mile Charities DBA San Diego Half Marathon, the City of San Diego, Cabrillo Recreation Center, USA Track & Field, NCTD, MTS, California Department of Transportation, the Gaslamp Quarter Association, Mission Hills BID, Hillcrest Business Association, Liberty Station Community Association, Liberty Station 7 Association, San Diego Unified Port District, San Diego County Regional Airport Authority and any and all sponsors and their representatives, successors, officers, agents, and assigns for any and all injuries sustained and suffered by me during this race. I acknowledge and agree that my participation in and attendance at the Half Marathon and 5K exposes me to risks including, but not limited to, personal injury, property damage, and potential death arising from or relating to, among other things, running, traffic, other Half Marathon and 5K participants, weather conditions, and pollution. I verify that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained for the competition of this event, and my physical condition has been verified by a licensed medical doctor. If, however, due to my participation in this race, I require medical attention, I hereby give my consent to authorized medical personnel of this race to provide such medical care as deemed necessary by such authorized personnel. I also understand that in the event this race cannot be held as scheduled due to an act of God or circumstances beyond control, such as a national emergency, the race is not liable to refund any money paid by me to participate. Further, I hereby grant full permission to any and all of the foregoing to use my name, city, and state of residence, age, gender, voice, likeness, and image, any photographs, video-tapes, motion pictures, or any other recording of myself in this event for any legitimate purpose including, but not limited to, entry confirmation list, race results, etc. I understand that the entry fee is NON-REFUNDABLE, numbers are NON-TRANSFERABLE, and my bib number is irreplaceable if lost. I acknowledge that the San Diego Half Marathon has a time limit of 3.5 hours (16:02 minute-per-mile pace) to complete the course. Further, I understand that on course amenities (i.e. police protection, mile markers, water stations, etc.) will be withdrawn from the course at the 3.5-hour pace. I have read the foregoing and certify my agreement by my acceptance below.


Course Time Limits Waiver

I agree if I am participating in the half marathon I must maintain the required 16:02-minute-per-mile pace or faster to complete the half marathon in 3.5 hours or less. If I’m doing the 5K I agree I must be able to maintain a 19:21-minute-per-mile pace or faster throughout the event to finish the 5K in 1 hour or less. Half marathoners unable to maintain the 16:02 pace per mile at the half-way point may be required to take an event provided shuttle back to the finish area.


Event Cancellation Protection Benefit by Adventure Advocates Waiver

EVENT REGISTRATION FEES CANCELLATION and POSTPONEMENT DISCLAIMER Adventure Advocates will provide a full or partial refund of your registration fee to you should the (__Event Name__) be canceled or postponed for one of the following reasons and not rescheduled within 90 days. Adventure Advocates is not providing an insurance plan to you. Adventure Advocates is providing a refund guarantee on behalf of the Event that you are participating in should the event be canceled due to certain circumstances. Please note, for the refund to be paid, the Event that you are participating in must maintain its Event Membership in Adventure Advocates until the event has occurred or has been canceled per the terms of this Disclaimer. Adventure Advocates will provide the refund money to, who will then distribute the refunds back to the credit or debit cards that were used to originally register for (__Event Name __). Adverse weather – means any adverse weather that involved conditions that posed a serious threat to the safety of those individuals attending or setting up the insured event or made it physically impossible to use the venue due to physical damage of the venue or complete inaccessibility to the venue. Natural Catastrophe – means earthquake, tsunami, flood, volcanic eruption, hurricane, tornado, forest fire and/or any other extraordinary meteorological event causing widespread damage. Terrorism – means an act or series of acts, including the use of force or violence, of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organization(s), committed for political, religious or ideological purposes including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public in fear for such purposes. Notwithstanding the forgoing, this does not cover any loss, cost or expense directly or indirectly arising out of, contributed to or caused by, or resulting from or in connection with: 1. Any fear of a potential act of terrorism; 2. Any threat of an act of terrorism, except that this policy is extended to include loss or damage as a result of an threat of an act of terrorism in which such threat results in a public safety civil authority issuing a written order resulting in the inability to hold the insured event as scheduled; or 3. Any act of terrorism involving a nuclear weapon or device or the emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of any chemical or biological agent. Please note that we will not provide any refund should an event be canceled once it has started. We will also not provide a refund if the event is rescheduled to take place within 90 days of the original commencement date of the event or if the covered Event also provides refunds for the same perils listed above. Should the (__Event Name __) be canceled for any other reason than explicitly stated above Adventure Advocates is unable guarantee a refund of your registration fee, however you may be due one from the event organizer.”

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